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Options : Setup in 3 hours by ICS or Setup it by yourself ...?   • HELP
  It is advisable that you leave the following directories and both registrations' related mysql tables of your webserver as they are, they will be a reference for your website to quick check or compare your progress in customizing this structure in other directories of your website : auth [ mysql ] - web [ AUTOMATIC REGISTRATION AREA ] bpMAIN ]
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[ReadME.txt PREVIEW]

...shows why this CLONE cannot be installed on a FREE server
This preview also gives you a clue of the CLONE SETUP ...if you opt to do it yourself

  This server software-versions : Apache 2.0.61 (Unix)  PHP 5.2.4   MySQL 4.1.22-standard-log  Operating system Linux 
Be informed that from the SPECIAL ACCESS FORUM , largely dedicated and RESERVED to the customers of this sub-package CLONE and other sub-package customers, you will find a lot of links that I share of my PHP programming knowledge, those might be cookie restricted, sofar many of those scripts are not publicly linked.
  In a span of time wherein many people are just practicing CLIENT side applications for the web, this CLONE will really shortcut your PHP learning paths.
Warning : Scripts contained in this CLONE would not work on many free webhosting servers, as their ads-scripts are often causing malfunctioning to the scripts contained in the directories of this sub-package CLONE and often you cannot not manage the necessary chmod permissions properly to run PHP server side's scripts.
Before any move of yours please digest the idea that you need a PAY WebHosting SERVICE with cPanel ... as server administrator of c-php.com-SERVER, I am not really keen to sell to anyone such Personal Account, so feel free to buy anywhere you like that, as CLONE can be installed on any server providing PHP & MySQL AND cPanel ( ...PHP Version > 4.0 )
. . . more questions about CLONE or PHP MySQL Apache ...? - Top  

Nb : Showing the cookies' information openwidely is unsecure !
If you surfing reserved site areas in other people presence whom you do not want show your data.

These information are made here partially visible to help you during your projecting stages, by using this site as a guideline to make your own, however your password has been HIDDEN in these pages, so there is no risk.

When you finished your project do not set in your final public pages the following JavaScript that returns in html the cookies' values :
...feel at easy by leaving cookies' information visible in this installation and leave them as they are :-)

Additionally provide your pages of the following code that will ensure NO CACHE STORAGE of your reserved pages' areas :
header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0",false);
header("Pragma: no-cache");
Finally be advised that all cookies set in these site are TEMPORARY and they will be automatically deleted by closing the pages that you have been surfing. They also are Browser's SESSION related i.e. : If you paste an URL from a cookied page to another in a new browser-session ...you will have to Login again.

Suggestions & Paths
  For your basic knowledge find my best references at this embedded URL of my phpBB-FORUM website.  Read tooltips in these pages, read Foreword section and feel at easy by contact me anytime you feel, but do not expect me to work for you by commenting or repeating and guiding you through all over again in all that I have already been exemplifying and commenting in my websites.
  ...I need help in finding & organizing my own scripts instead.

... so please help yourself in that : bookmark sites' urls :-)

Warning : The top subsection is made out of a rather complex construct showing many syntax implementations as alignments and JavaScript color change settings, of which if any ID is missing or doubled it will generate errors.

  You just need to patiently read and verify all related demos as for example by php-mail() , or MySQL as for the suite related to automatic registration that has been implemented in many different websites in slightly different ways, but the significative code for that is all included in the directory web , with the sole difference that the file registration_test.php of the original suite is here placed in the main directory bp and renamed into : cc.php

The script for the yahoo - OSI , is also included in this suite.

Notepad Webdesign
 You don't need the CLONE code to use, if you please these comments on Notepad WBDESIGN, sofar these are all client side visible. If you feel to dig into table ...be ICS' guest, anyhow be aware that the solution described in this subframe is a bit harder to master than the rowspan-one, so if you want to take it easy ...just skip this subframe and use ROWSPAN for your website.
A simple subframes' casting :
<a name="rowspan"><br></a>

...retrievable by the related internal link.
Example : <a href=#rowspan>design</a>
Design Alternative

...to match particular requirements with your designing you have to work around a bit.
  For example I aligned the few lines above this to the central main title.
Surf this link to see how I did that :-) 
This structure offers a pages' sub-frames that open 100% width & Client SIZE's height. Visitors have in their screen-view a sort of big paragraph containing a complete ensemble of text and related images, so that they find theirselves at easy to read and have under control the sub-frame subjects without being forced to use the vertical scrollbar and having full view of the subject from a resolution of 800 x 600 to larger screen sizes ...get more information on tables' syntax at the following link
Hide the vertical navigation bar [...set : "!"] as follows : <!script src=v-nav.js> <!/script>

  The height of this area can be sized, over sized or filled, or over filled, but would not take any height percent parameter [%]
In this case was sized as follows :
<td height=234 width=26%>
This nested green bordered table instead was so sized :
<table width=100% height=100%>
and it expanded 100% into width and height of this cell.
Now if the text in this area exceeds height=234, then the cell will automatically grow in height, by carrying along the height of the whole row [rowspan]

[<td width=48% rowspan=2>]

This table will allow you to have fixed heights on sides'cells and a greater central area where to encode data from a database for example, or just make a particular alignment of the objects in this area, as it has been done in the next subframe.

Note that I aligned the central blue table content herein at the bottom to let see that it does not disappear into any wrong height percentage setting, so that if this content would grow out of the client-screen-height reserved to it, then the height of the table will stretch-adjust itself automatically to show till the last char of this text [:-)]

[ <td width=26%> ]


This table's height is also "234" :
<table height=234 width=100%>
,,, and it can be seen that the first left cell was filled over the height-defined size [234] and it shows all exceeding text.
Tables : Syntax views 
Main parameters 
Main subframe redesign

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CLONE € 70  I am online right now, send me a message !
Install Service € 48
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[ width=180 same as Textshout ]
Another Layout for CLONE
  This is another possible and easier design of this page by using the model "rowspan" above this outlayed. This has been left with visible cellspacings to let you see where the objects are placed and also to see a few modifications done on the sizes of the model to fit the objects of this page; you only need to set the tables' borders to "0" to let structure lines disappear.
do it yourself is FREE  HELP...

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... read the DETAILS Page Design : Single  Frames